Alabama Evening Light

The Alabama Evening Light a publication of The Church of God in the state of Alabama. It is currently in its 27th year of production and each issue contains a message and instructions from the State Overseer, auxiliary boosts from our State Coordinators, local church reports, testimonies, announcements and upcoming events, as well as reports and pictures of recent activities around the state.

Subscribe Today!

The Alabama Evening Light is available for $15 per year and is produced and mailed monthly. To subscribe, please send your $15, name, and mailing address to:

Alabama Evening Light
c/o The Church of God
901 9th Avenue SW
Bessemer, AL  35022

Digital Subscription

The Alabama Evening Light is now available in PDF format to be emailed directly to you! A sample of this version may be viewed by clicking the picture at right. Digital subscriptions are $5 per year to be sent to the address listed above. Please also be sure to include your current e-mail address.


The Alabama Evening Light is available by subscription, but a packet of papers is also sent to each local church in Alabama each month. This is to be a blessing to members, friends, and visitors to our local services. Donations to help cover the cost of printing and postage are always welcome and appreciated. If God lays it upon your heart to donate to this fund, please don’t hesitate. You may send any donations to the address listed in the subscription section. 
